Together we can transform
our communities!
Let’s take our communities from workers to investors.
Be part of the economic growth coming to thousands of families.

Offer the class Paz Financiera II

If you’ve offered Paz Financiera in the past, then you are witness to how these principles transform lives and know that things can change in our communities.

In the first class they learned how to take control of their money. This new course will show you how to grow and protect your money. Aside from the fact that the class is entertaining and informative, the people in your class will have that “aha” moment when they begin to learn these principles that will protect them from «product-selling vultures» that will surely come now that they have money. The time has come to take our community to the next level.

Good news! Facilitating the Paz Financiera II class is as easy as the first class. If you’ve never offered the class before, it’s really simple. Andres Gutierrez teaches everything by video. As a coordinator, you start the video and facilitate a group discussion after each lesson. It’s that simple! Also, you are not alone. Our team will provide you with all the necessary support. Start a class today! If your class is open to the public, we will publish it on our website so that people in your area can come and find hope in your class. We recommend that you read the FAQ section below. In advance, we thank you for your effort and vision of financial wellness in our communities.

Ready to start?

If you are as excited as we are to start and would like us to contact you to give you more details, please fill out the following form by clicking the button below.

Filling out the form is the best way to contact us. But if you prefer to call us before then, just call the number below. If we can’t immediately take your call, please leave us a message so that we can call you back.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a financial expert to offer the Paz Financiera course?

Not at all. The course is designed in such a way that anyone can offer it. Andres is the one who teaches each class by video and then there is a discussion time guided by you. If there’s a question that comes that you cannot answer based on what was taught in the video, you can always send us those questions and Andres or a member of the team will answer them. Although the material of this new course may seem technical, Andres explains it in detail. If someone is ready to start investing, the next step is to set up an appointment with one of Andres’ Recommended Professionals who will explain it in a more personalized way.

Do I need to have investments or be free of debts to facilitate the course?

No, no hay ningún requisito financiero para ofrecer el curso. Muchas de las personas que ofrecen el curso lo están viendo por primera vez junto con los participantes del grupo. No es su responsabilidad dar respuestas técnicas. La responsabilidad de enseñar cae sobre Andrés, su responsabilidad es dirigir la plática que ya está diseñada en el manual.

How long does the course last?

The course is made up of 6 classes. We recommend that you offer one class per week. We also recommend that you set aside 2 hours per class to watch the videos that last approximately 1 hour (the 5th class lasts 1 hour 11 minutes) and have enough time for the group discussion.

Can I offer the course if I have the complete kit with the DVDs (Leader Kit or Paz Financiera Version DVD)?

Yes. All you need to do is register your class with our team by calling 1-800-781-8897. They will guide you through the steps to take so you can offer the course in your community.

Can I make copies of the materials for each family wanting to take the course?

No. We ask that you please respect the legal copyrights of the author and not make any kind of copy of the materials. The way the course works is that each member/family of the group have to buy their own materials.

What is a group member?

A member is an individual or a family. A family is a father, mother and children up to the age of 21. After 21, although they may still live in the same house until they are 40, they have to buy their own materials.

Can we do the full course in a day or weekend as a financial conference?

Of course you can, but it would be more like a shooting star, something that happens and is forgotten, having less impact and therefore having lower results. Each class has a lot to teach and homework to get done. The goal is not information, but transformation. You have to give the group members time to digest the information and put it into practice.

I have seen other courses on personal finance that are offered for free. Why is there a charge for Paz Financiera II?

Andres already shares a lot of information for free in his show nationally syndicated show, El Show de Andrés Gutiérrez. However, Paz Financiera II is a detailed and orderly learning process that seeks to transform the financial behavior of its members so that they can make the most out of the fruits of their labor. This makes it a personal growth course. Like any other course exists to develop improvement skills, the Paz Financiera courses have a cost for each student, assuring that the student has the highest probability of learning.

What is the minimum number of people who must register to offer the course?

The course works with groups as small as 5 people, but we have seen successful groups of more than 100.

I hear it’s offered in churches, but can it work in a workplace?

Of course, and it is an excellent idea to bring this type of training to your workplace to help its employees grow and protect their assets; especially because an employee trained in the management of personal finances, will project that behavior in everything he does, especially in his work. Not only will they be grateful to their employer, but they will benefit the company with their new performance.

I want to show the course and the DVDs to my friends and family. It can?

We understand that when you have found something of great value you want to share it with everyone. It is natural for all of us and we encourage you to share your story about what the Financial Peace II course has done in your life. You can offer the course at home and allow them to buy their own material. Contact our team at 1-800-781-8897 for information on the steps to take to offer the course.

If I offer the course, how much can I earn for my time?

This is a question that we receive frequently. We would like to tell you that we have the resources to pay a salary or a fee to all the people who serve as coordinators, but that is not the reality. Each group coordinator works out of a desire to help your community win in this important area … even if it does not receive a monetary reward. At the same time, we can tell you that we have coordinators who offer the course for a higher price than they pay us.

Can I make copies of the videos and materials?

All materials, videos, notebooks, etc. they are internationally protected by copyright. Please, do not make copies.

Can Andrés come to give the course to my organization / church?

Although Andrés would love to be present in each place and each time the course is offered, it is not feasible. Therefore, we offer the course by video. In this way we can impact more people including your community and maintain the quality of the information, because everyone receives exactly the same.