This membership includes:

  • Videos on DVD
    + Online access to the videos for 6 months
  • Printed Workbook
    + Workbook PDF for download
  • Paz Financiera 2 Audio available for download


¿What is Paz Financiera 2?

“We’re finally stable, now what?” this is the question that we’ve received the most in the past few years. Paz Financiera 1 has helped numerous families get out of debt, put an emergency fund together and unite their marriages and their finances. All of these families came to the same conclusion, «we’re happy but, what’s next?»

To put it in other words, the goal of Paz Financiera 1 is to help you take control of your finances. The goal of Paz Financiera 2 is to help you grow and protect your money.

  • Class 1 Buyer Beware: The secret to having enough is you have to win the war between the things that are Necessary and those that are Wants.
  • Class 2 The Role of Insurance: There’s a lot of scams out there about Insurance, so learn to recognize, avoid and eliminate them so you only pay for what you need.
  • Class 3 Invest for the Future: En esta clase vas a aprender, en términos sencillos, qué son las inversiones, cómo funcionan y cuánto pagan para hacer que tu dinero se multiplique.
  • Class 4 Retirement and College Planning: Can you imagine reaching retirement and not having to work to make ends meet? Take advantage of everything at your disposal to earn the best possible returns.
  • Class 5 Real Estate and Mortgages: Do you want your house to be your dream come true? Here you’ll learn when to buy, how much house to buy and how to buy.
  • Class 6 Work in Your Strengths: Learn how to align your personality and your character with what you do. When you learn to enjoy your life almost always your income skyrockects.